In September 2014 in France took place an accident, as a result of which the insured suffered serious injuries that required extensive and expensive treatment and medical evacuation support.

The total cost of the treatment and transport of the insured amounted to more than 93 000 and was fully paid by the Russian insurance company. Allegedly responsible for the accident is a French citizen who was driving the car in which was the passenger.

To identify the causes and circumstances of the accident the specialists of Balt Assistance Ltd. contacted the French Gendarmerie, as well as with the French insurance company of the guilty party for pre-trial negotiations.

Due to the fact that the police did not establish an unambiguous responsibility of the driver in the accident, the lawyers of Balt Assistance Ltd. initiated legal proceedings in which the guilty party has been established.

During the trial, the French insurance company paid the expenses of $ 93,000 Euro as a compensation in subrogation.

In addition, the lawyers of Balt Assistance Ltd. sought 50,000 euros in compensation for moral damage caused to the victim.